Thursday, 27 October 2022
7.30am – 8:30 am
IMA Cuisine – 53 Fort Street, Downtown, Auckland
Join us for breakfast, and a chance to meet or catch up with other women in the profession for a relaxed networking event.

$30.00 per person. The cost covers all of the following:
Ima Cuisine’s Israeli Breakfast Spread
- Chopped salad with tomatoes, cucumber, and fresh herbs
- Shakshuka – spicy, slow-roasted tomatoes with our own home-made Moroccan merguez
- sausages & poached free-range eggs
- Pastries – bourekas (savoury cheese pastries), spanakopita (spinach and cheese phyllos), and rugelach (crescent rolled pastries with chocolate filling)
- Pickled vegetables
- Hummus
- Labneh (soft Arab cheese) and Kaskaval (balkan semi-hard cheese similar to pecorino)
- Falafel
- Homemade bread
- Carrot/orange/turmeric juice
The cost does not cover hot beverages.
Please sign up and pay by Thursday 20th October 2022, 5 pm.
Please note: If you’re paying by invoice, these need to be paid immediately on receipt. Your order is only confirmed once we receive your payment.