We run events, including panel discussions, presentations and guest lectures, throughout the year covering topics and issues pertinent to the profession. Members receive a discount for paid events, and we also hold free/sponsored events as well. If you have an area of law that you would like us to cover in an event, please contact our administrator,
Joining AWLA means you support AWLA’s role in advocating for gender equality in the legal profession and in society in general. We will advocate to achieve these objections and encourage you to support us in this objective.
We understand that for many women in the profession, having the support and encouragement of an experienced colleague can be invaluable. To that end, we connect lawyers and support career and professional development through our mentoring programme. All AWLA members are eligible to seek a mentor through our scheme. We also encourage members to volunteer as a mentor to other lawyers. For more information, please contact
The AWLA is committed to providing a platform which encourages women to network with their colleagues, and enjoy the many benefits that fostering a professional network can provide. One of the most popular aspects of being an AWLA member is the engagement with colleagues. This leads to positive working relationships and referrals. Members are encouraged to use our events and social media to make contacts and keep in touch with other professional legal women. You also support AWLA’s role in advocating for gender equality in the legal profession and in society in general.
We advocate to achieve these objectives, and encourage you to support us by becoming a member, attending events and encouraging your colleagues to join as well.
News you can USE
We regularly update this website with news relating to AWLA, its members and our profession. Members and supporters are encouraged to contact us to share and suggest news items. Go to