Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association invites you to join us for our Annual Student’s Evening!
This is a fun and informal opportunity to meet with Auckland’s finest female lawyers from varying disciplines to discuss your future career in law. Speak with these amazing women about transitioning from a student to a professional, advancing your career prospects, and find out what a career in law is really about. The evening will be run like ‘speed-dating’ – so you’ll get an opportunity to speak with everyone. Enjoy a glass of wine and nibbles whilst networking with your peers and industry professionals.
Dress code: smart casual
Where: DLA Piper, Level 15, PwC Tower 15 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010
When: Thursday, 18 August 2022, 5.45 pm to 8 pm.
Tickets: Free for University Students
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kuX0FplFjkuadsKbEMtvcXKbD9fMFN9VDG-mm6n2C8M/viewform?edit_requested=true