Blog day 21 – the future
Dear fellow captives,
One week to go and it is time to look to the future because we have almost earned it. Yes, we will be under social (why don’t they call it physical distancing because its not social at all) distancing restrictions for some time but we will have more liberties and, and (wait for it) and more businesses will open up. Yippeee, and a huge sigh of relief for businesses and employees who are just managing to hold on to jobs and survival.
It is interesting to sit back and think about what we miss most and want we would want first. Planning is everything.
Some have thought long and hard not about what they miss and would want but what they might need. A friend sent me this. I hope it was for a laugh not because she knows me so well, she nailed my thought processes:

Others might skip to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test as they really have got bored during lockdown huh!
But rather than what we might need, I want to start planning what I might like and what I have missed most:
- dinner with friends and family;
- being able to go further afield (beach, mountain bike park – husband wants to play golf and I want him too as well! Peace for a day);
- one desperate friend is craving takeaways, greasier the better. The type that dribbles fat and oil down your chin and you immediately regret as your belly does sommersaults all night attempting to churn over the congealing fat you have consumed.
- OMG, the kids going back to school. PLEASE Jacinda. We need it! There is only so long I can leave the beastlies to sleep in each day and then they get up, grunt, smell bad, feed and fight with each other. All while I am trying to work. Its unsustainable Jacinda. Take them away!
So, what to do first. Having not had a haircut since December and with my regrowth about to reach my ears, a haircut will be high on my priority list. But I can’t see how I can get a haircut with physical distancing so I may have to continue to tie up my locks until a haircut is properly permitted. In contrast, the men in our lives, whether they are partners, fathers, brothers, children, nephews or friends will be on the verge of letting us cut their own Krusty the clown (their own hair taking on its own personality). They are moving close to the point that they would rather let us cut their hair than let it take over any more air space above them. I say if any man in your life asks you to cut his hair, fill your boots. Have a good old chop at it. Do it with flair and an exaggerated follow through with each cut. It really doesn’t matter how bad your haircut is, there will be photos of people whose lockdown haircuts are worse. Oh, and make sure you get before and after shots. I feel the next AWLA competition brewing. Would it be best or worst haircut that gets the prize though? I feel conflicted. I really wanna see the worst ones!
We might still be banned from dinners with friends but we might be able to go to the beach. That would be so good even if its stormy! So, I look forward to a week’s time when things will be a bit better. But, I would give everything else up just for the kids to go back to school (said with desperate pleading eyes and sad downcaste, beaten gaze). Jacinda, take them away!
Save those special ones…
When you think of those things you might want, I ask you this: what small businesses close to your heart do you want to support to make sure they survive? Of course, you must look after your own financial survival first and for those of you out there struggling I feel for you and save every dollar. Don’t spend! In this current economic environment cash and just surviving is key.
However for those out there that are still okay, I ask you to think about how we might support others in small ways only. What lovely little café/restaurant/wine bar do you want to remain open, what little bakery would you not want to lose, what little local store is run by a lovely family who are a thoughtful and kind member of your community you want to survive. Of course everyone’s disposable income has dropped and some is non-existent. But if you can, do. If we don’t support other businesses more will fail and the pain will be spread further.
Kia kaha, my lovelies, and adieu. Stay safe and remember we can do one last week of full captivity!