Day 6 + 5 of 28 – revel in it!
Dear fellow captives,
Wow almost done a week. That would be a quarter of the way there and quite an achievement for all of us. Small things to look forward – patting myself on the back tomorrow for a week’s worth of captivity. Looking ahead to tomorrow, I will have smashed it!
Things I didn’t expect about captivity
Teenager 1 (almost 15 so the most grunty, smelly of the two), has dealt with lockdown remarkably well so far. He is simply getting on with it without complaint. I told him this morning that he was dealing with it remarkably well and how impressed I am and, never to miss an opportunity, quick as anything teenager 1 said “I should be rewarded”. Not a heartbeat or breath before it came out. Although it did not work for teenager 1 who remains without reward, lesson learnt, never miss an opportunity even in captivity to try to extort your parents. Good effort!
I didn’t realise in captivity I would appreciate a sparkling still morning even more. Soooo looking forward to my walk or I might even do a bike ride (locally of course) and I might even read a little of my book outside in the sun at lunchtime. Stop it! How good is that! Make the most of the beautiful day. Soak it all in! It’s good for the soul.
Have not wished to kill husband yet – emphasis on yet (just wished to put him in a separate part of the house when I could not see, hear or know that he was there for a bit). But you gotta save something for weeks two, three and four.
You might be able to tell, I’m quite chipper today. Sunshine helps. It brings in vibes of Lou Reed, “Perfect day”, U2 “It’s a beautiful day” and…. -stopping now as showing age all too vividly!
Anyho, revel in it captives!
For those who are interested, silky otter clues..
I did promise you some further clues. So here goes:
- I do exercise classes but my body doesn’t show it;
- Being irreverent is one of my favourite pastimes;
- Rather than being impeccably tidy and well-groomed my hair has a mind and will of its own which it readily expresses;
- Even when I have to dress in boring court clothes I like to have some expression of myself, be it lipstick, shoes etc;
- Even though risking traumatising those around me by seeing me in beach attire (to be fair its not the attire but the package underneath), I would rather swim at a beach than shop at a mall. In fact you wouldn’t catch me at a mall. Otters like the water. And yes I would lie on my back in the sea with my belly poking out and hands crossed on my chest. See..

Enough for now. I want you all to take a step outside and suck in a fresh one – air of course.
Kia kaha, my lovelies, and adieu. Stay safe and remember, being okay is good enough, except for today when its glorious so take a moment to appreciate it!
Silky Otter